Beef Pricing
We currently have a 10-12 week wait on our beef. Thanks so much for your interest in Trinity Farms!
Please give us a call or email if you have any questions or ready to order. (256) 527-4780
Use the examples below only as an example for you to see a "typical" processing for a quarter and half beef. There are MANY options and choices you can make on your custom purchase. Half beef and whole beef have more options than quarter beef due to the way quarters are processed. Quarters need to be more standard and some cuts are NOT available on quarters, such as Flank Steak, Skirt Steak, Ox tails (only one per animal), Tongue (only one per animal). This is just examples of typical Natural Beef processing and totals. This is not pricing for Grass-fed beef. Please contact us directly if you need any help deciding what is best for your family. Thanks so much!
Dressed Weight: 680-720 lbs
Estimated final yield: 200-240 lbs
Final cost: $1,800-2,000 (includes processing)
Ribeye steaks - 10-12 steaks
Sirloin steaks - 8-10 steaks
Filet Mignon - 6-10 steaks
New York Strip Steak - 10-12 steaks
- Flank steak
Roast (top, bottom and eye) - 3-4 roasts
Cube Steak - 7-8 (1 lbs packs)
Arm roast - 2-3 roasts
Chuck roast - 4-5 roasts
Rump roast - 1-2 roasts
Sirloin tip roast - 2 roasts
Brisket - 1 whole or 2 split
Stew meat - 6-8 (1 lb packs)
Beef ribs - 2-3 packs
Liver - 5-6 packs (1 lb)
Dressed Weight: 680-720 lbs
Estimated final yield: 100-120 lbs
Final cost: $900-1,000 (includes processing)
We typically choose the larger beef to be divided for the quarters. They divide better with more cuts and a larger portion. The dressed weights can range from 720-950 lbs which results in quarters that can total between $800-1050. Just be aware of the large range that you could expect.
Rib steaks - 5-6 steaks
Sirloin steaks - 4-5 steaks
Filet Mignon steaks (1 1/2") - 4-5 steaks
New York strip steaks - 5-6 steaks
Roast (top, bottom and eye of round) - 2-3 roasts
Cube steak - 4-5
Arm roast - 1-2 roasts
Chuck roast - 3-4 roasts
Rump roast - 1 roasts
Sirloin tip roast - 1 roasts
Brisket - 1 split (5-8 lbs)
Stew Meat - 3-4 (1 lb packs)
Beef ribs - 1-2 packs
Liver - 2-3 (1 lb packs)
Pork Pricing
We currently have a 2-6 week wait on our pork. Thanks so much for your interest in Trinity Farms!
Please give us a call or email if you have any questions or ready to order. (256) 527-4780
Dressed Weight: 200-240 lbs
Estimated final yield: 70-90 lbs
Final cost: $400-480
Fresh or Cured
Divided in half - 2 (8-10 lb) roasts
Divided in thirds - 2 (6-8 lb) roasts, center whole or sliced (3-4 lbs))
Boston Butt - whole (8-10 lbs) or 2 (3-4 lb) roasts
Picnic - 2 (3 lb) roasts
Mild / Medium / Hot
16-20 lbs
1 lb packs
Pork Chops - 16-24 1/2" thick
Ribs - 1 full slab
Bacon - fresh or cured, sliced - 8-10 lbs
Pork burger (reduced sausage)
Please let us know if there is anything particular you are needing. We keep a good supply of beef and pork available for individual purchase. Please contact us for exact availability. Also, contact us for a current price sheet for our individual cuts. Thank you so much!
Place An Order
For locally sourced, fresh farm beef and pork that's second to none, place an order online with Trinity Farms today!